December 22, 2024

“Love - God’s Love Letter”

Dave Havener

Digital Bulletin - Reflection:

KNEES AND FEET (Prayer and Action): Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to a change of mind and action.

Maybe you’ve not yet responded to God’s Love Letter to you. If not, why not? Take some time to consider the honest answer to that question. If you have questions about Jesus, please ask Pastor Dave or one of the elders to help you find answers.

If you have committed to accept God’s gift of love and life already, take some time to think about your relationship with Him. 1 John 4:7-8 &16 speak of YOUR love for others as an essential outgrowth of God’s love for you. In what ways do your actions express God’s love to those around you? Take some time to honestly answer that question and intentionally submit to the Spirit, transforming you into the image of Christ - becoming the spitting image of Jesus! (2 Cor. 3:18).