"The Mindset of Life"

Digital Bulletin - https://mailchi.mp/alliancechurch/the-mindset-of-life

A Good Aftertaste: For Personal Reflection/Group Discussion:

Ruminate on God’s Word this week and meditate on what the Holy Spirit wants to say to you using the following thought-provokers.

Examine your life a bit. Is there evidence of walking according to the Spirit? Any signs of walking according to the flesh?  (Rom.8:4)

Before you repent of those wrong choices, take some time to evaluate how you got there. What decisions led to sin, and how could a change of mindset help avoid that ever repeating? (then, don’t forget to repent and be forgiven 1 John 1:9)    www.gotquestions.org/Spirit-filled.html

It can be helpful to talk about this with a trusted brother/sister in Christ. The Family of God is a great resource for establishing and maintaining a mindset of the Spirit.