Series:             Systematic Theology Part 2

Title:               Man as Male and Female

Purpose:       To examine why God created two sexes and how they can be equal and yet have

                        different roles.

Date:               February 23, 2025


Personal Relationships

  1. Not created to be in isolation but capable to attaining interpersonal unity in various sorts in all sorts of human society
  2. Creation of two genders is a reflection of God - Genesis 1:26 “let us…they”
  3. Greatest expression of interpersonal relationships - Genesis 2:24 - “one flesh”
  4. Why not three since God is a trinity?
  5. Why not Jesus?
  6. What about Paul?


Equality in personhood and importance

  1. Just as the three persons in the trinity are equal in importance, so are men and women equally important and equally valuable to God
  2. 1 Corinthians 11:7 is emphasizing differences between men and women that should be reflected in the way they both act and dress
  3. Both men and women are interdependent and both are worthy of honor
  4. Spiritual gifts are distributed to men and women - 1 Corinthians 12:7
  5. All get membership in the new covenant
  6. All are equal in the Church - Galatians 3:27-28 “no longer male or female”


Differences in roles

  1. Relationship between the trinity and male headship in marriage
  2. Indication of distinct roles before the fall
  3. Ephesians 5:21-33 and questions of mutual submission


Application to marriage

A. Errors of aggressiveness

  1. Husband harsh, selfish, domineering, abuse and/or cruel
  2. Wife rebellious, resentful, or usurping leadership role in the home

B. Errors of passivity

  1. Husband who is so averse to aggressiveness that he does nothing - is a wimp
  2. Wife who is so passive that she contributes nothing

C. A balanced approach is always the best