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Series: Systematic Theology Part 1
Title: Creation
Purpose: To identify why, how, and when did God create the universe
Date: November 17, 2024
I. God created the universe out of nothing
A. Biblical evidence for creation out of nothing
B. The creation of the spiritual universe
C. The direct creation of Adam and Eve
D. Creation of time
E. Work of the Son and the Holy Spirit in creation
II. Creation is distinct from God yet always dependent on God
A. Transcendent and immanent
B. Materialism - no God, only material things
C. Pantheism - everything is God or is part of God
D. Dualism - God and matter are equal but separate entities
E. Deism - God exists but always outside of creation (watchmaker idea)
III. God created the universe to show His glory
A. Psalm 19:1-2 - heavens declare the glory of God
B. He did not need to create it but chose to - Rev. 4:11
C. He delights in His creation because it shows forth His character
D. Similarly, we enjoy creating things - arts, cooking, hobbies, etc.
IV. The universe God created was “very good”
A. Everything was good and at the end it was all very good - Genesis 1:31
B. Creation has been marred by sin but it is still good
C. We can enjoy God’s creation because He made it for us to enjoy - 1 Timothy 6:17
D. But creation is still temporary. The coming kingdom of God is eternal
V. The relationship between scripture and the findings of modern science
A. Historical items
B. When facts are all understood properly, there will be no final conflict
C. Teachings that seem inconsistent with scripture
1. Secular theories
2. Theistic evolution
3. Darwinianism
4. Gap theory
D. The age of the earth
E. Old earth and young earth are valid options for believers
F. Conclusions of age of earth
G. Need for further understanding
VI. Application
A. Rejoice in all that God called good
B. God is sovereign over all of creation
C. Enjoy creative activities with thanksgiving