Series: Systematic Theology Part 1
Title: The Shared Attributes of God’s Character, Pt. 1
Purpose: To identify how God is like us in His being and in mental and moral attributes
Date: October 27, 2024
I. Attributes describing God’s being
A. Spirituality
B. Invisibility
II. God’s mental attributes
A. Knowledge (omniscience)
B. Wisdom - best goals and best means
C. Truthfulness (and faithfulness)
III. God’s moral attributes
A. Goodness - God is the final standard of good and all that He does is worthy of approval
B. Love - eternally gives of Himself to others
C. Mercy (grace, patience) - specific examples of goodness
D. Holiness - separated from sin and seeking His own honor
E. Peace (order) - 1 Corinthians 14:33; Romans 15:33
F. Righteousness (or justice) - 2 words in English, 1 in Hebrew and Greek
G. Jealousy - positive word - seeks to protect His own honor
H. Wrath