Series:  Systematic Theology Part 1
Title:   The Authority and Inerrancy of Scripture 
Purpose: To identify how we know that the Bible is God’s Word and to determine if there 
  are errors in the Bible
Date:  September 22, 2024

I. All words in scripture are God’s words
A. This is what the Bible claims for itself
B. We are convinced of the Bible’s claims to be God’s word as we read the Bible
C. Other evidence is useful but not convincing
D. The words of scripture self-attest
E. Is this a circular argument?
F. Does not imply dictation from God as the sole means of communication 

II. Disbelieving or disobeying any word of scripture is disbelieving or disobeying God
A. Preachers have no authority of their own
B. Words of scripture are the only real authority

III. The truthfulness of scripture
A. God cannot lie or speak falsely
B. All the words of scripture are completely true and without error in any part
C. God’s words are the ultimate standard of truth
D. Might some new fact ever contradict the Bible - NO

IV. Written scripture is our final authority
A. Not “what Jesus really said”
B. Not what “Paul was really thinking”
C. We cannot improve on perfection

V. Meaning of inerrancy 
A. Can be inerrant and still speak in the ordinary language of everyday speech
B. Can be inerrant and still include loose or free quotations
C. Can be inerrant and still have unusual or uncommon grammatical constructions

VI. Some current challenges or objections to inerrancy
A. Bible is only authoritative for “faith and practice”
B. Term “inerrancy” is a poor term
C. We have no inerrant manuscripts therefore calling the Bible inerrant is misleading
D. Biblical writers accommodated their messages in minor details to the false ideas current in their day
E. Overemphasizes the divine and neglects the human aspect
F. There are some clear errors in the Bible

VII. Problems with denying inerrancy
A. Serious moral issue:  May we imitate God and intentionally lie in small matters? 
B. Can we really trust God in everything He says?
C. We make our human minds a higher standard of truth than God’s
D. Wrong in details it must also be wrong in major doctrines

Conclusion:  Next week we will cover Chapter 6 - Clarity and Chapter 7 - Necessity.