Series: Systematic Theology Part 1
Title: The Word of God and The Canon of Scripture
Purpose: To identify the different forms of the Word of God and to determine what belongs
in the Bible and what does not belong there
Date: September 15, 2024
I. The Person: Jesus Christ
II. Speech by God
III. Old Testament Canon
A. Concluded by about 400 BC
B. Josephus’ testimony
C. Jesus knowledge
D. Early history during church age
E. Council of Trent - 1546 AD
F. Apocrypha books are not scripture
IV. New Testament Canon
A. Mostly words of apostles whom Jesus said would be given power to remember everything He had said (John 14:26)
B. Paul claims his commands come directly from the Lord - 1 Corinthians 14:37
C. NT writers claim authority of scripture for other NT writings
D. Canon officially finalized - AD 397
E. Inspiration or God-breathed
Conclusion - Next week we will cover Chapter 4 - Authority and Chapter 5 -Inerrancy