Fall Class 2024
The Study of God in an organized and thorough manner.

Series:  Systematic Theology Part 1
Title:   Introduction to Systematic Theology
Purpose: To provide some basic definitions as we begin our detailed study of theology
Date:  September 8, 2024

The class format will be more formal than many SS classes.  This is by design because of the nature of the content and the volume of content that needs to be covered each week.  
1) I will summarize the content following Grudem’s book.  I will provide a skeleton outline of my lesson each week since not everyone will have access to Grudem’s text.  
2) I will try to answer all questions that any class member has as a result of their own personal reading or what is covered in class.  All questions are welcome but I will generally need to answer them outside of class.  No question is stupid or too simple. One of the major ways to learn is by asking questions. See footnote below for directions for getting your questions answered.
3) The class will be in an informal lecture format, meaning I can and will be prepared to talk most of the time.  However, I am comfortable with brief interruptions.  Stop me any time if you do not understand what I am saying. 

I. Why is this study important today?
A. Provides a clear Biblical basis for doctrines
B. Gives clarity in the explanation of doctrines 
C. Shows application to life
D. Focuses on the evangelical world
II. What is systematic theology?
A. What does the whole Bible teach us today about any given topic
B. Different than other types of theology
C. It is not disorganized
D. What are doctrines?
E. Initial assumptions
III. Why should Christians study it?
A. Basic reason - obedience - Matthew 28:19-20 - teaching them to observe
B. Benefits our lives
C. Two objections
IV. How should we study it?
A. With prayer - Psalm 119:18 - “open my eyes that I might behold…”
B. With humility - 1 Peter 5:5 - “God opposes the proud”
C. With reason - OT quotes applied by NT writers
D. With help from others - 1 Corinthians 12:28 - “apostles, prophets, teachers…”
E. By collecting and understanding all of the relevant passages of scripture on any
F. With rejoicing and praise - Romans 11:33 - “O the depth of the riches and wisdom…”

Conclusion - Next week we will cover Chapter 2 - The Word of God and Chapter 3 - The Canon of Scripture.