We seek to have two primary elements in our weekend services - engaging worship and a life-changing message. Led by a live band, the worship is a blend of both contemporary and traditional expressions of worship. The messages are most often taught by those who seek to passionately and creatively teach the Bible.
Yes! We have developed exciting, kid-friendly and safe environments for ages 6 weeks and up. Children Nursery-Preschool will be cared for during Sunday (11am-12pm) worship service. All other children will then join their parents for the worship service. We seek to follow PA childcare guidelines for leader/child ratios and all of our regular ministry volunteers have undergone background checks to assure your child's safety. For more information on our children's ministry, click here.
No. You may come dressed however you feel most comfortable.
Middle School and High School students gather with the rest of the church family for worship services. The High School AND Middle School gathering is held on the first Sunday of the month in the evenings from 5:30pm-8pm at the church. For more information on our youth ministry, click here.
No. While there is an offering taken each service. If you are a guest with us, you should NOT feel any pressure to give to our church financially.
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To see our entire mission, vision, values, and strategy statement, click on the link below: